About us

We are an association that connects glassmaking with archaic photographic techniques, particularly the wet collodion process. Our mission is not only to preserve these traditional crafts but also to develop, innovate, and bring their beauty closer to those who have not yet encountered them.

Kolodiumglass is a place where tradition meets innovation, and creativity flows freely. Together, we are shaping the future of crafts that deserve our attention and admiration.

Our Goals

Preservation of Craft Tradition

We are committed to preserving skills that might otherwise be forgotten, such as glass grinding, the wet collodion process, glass slumping, and pâte de verre.

Innovation and Development

In addition to preserving traditions, we strive to explore new paths in technology and creative processes. Our ambition is to push the boundaries of these crafts and offer innovative solutions.

Popularization and Education

Our goal is to bring the beauty of these crafts not only to experts but also to the general public. We organize workshops, lectures, and other events aimed at raising awareness of these arts.

Supporting Artists

We believe that every artist should have the opportunity to create. We provide space and facilities for those who want to work with glass or photographic techniques but lack the necessary resources.

Kolodiumglass, z.s.